The name corn snake was derived from their habit of visiting corn granaries, which often attract mice. Their docile attitude and their size make them an excellent pet snake. Taking care of them is relatively easy, suitable for those who are novice pet snake owners. They are the cousin of rat snakes, which is why they are called red rat snakes or the southeastern rat snake. They are land-dwellers and will remain active at sunset and dawn.
What is the Appearance of Corn Snake?
Corn Snakes can significantly vary in their pattern and coloration. Usually, it will depend upon the region and the age of the reptile. They will frequently display bright and vivid colors, which is why they are popular among snake owners. They may have orange or reddish markings bordered by dark shade in a gray or orange background and some hint of yellow pigment. The belly of this snake is equally beautiful. It will feature an alternating line of white and black that will make it appear like a checkerboard.
Where is the Common Habitat of Corn Snake?
Corn snakes may inhabit the parts of Florida, Maryland, and Virginia. It will also be expected for you to find them in Mississippi, Louisiana, and the southern part of Tennessee. There are also a few of them scattered in Kentucky. Corn snakes are reclusive reptiles that will mostly be active at night when most of their predators are asleep. They will usually be hiding beneath the debris, rocks, logs, and below the trees' loose bark in the daytime. They prefer to stay in areas where they can hide their presence, such as on overgrown fields and abandoned buildings where they can find their favorite mice.
What is the Feeding habit of Corn Snake?
They are constrictors; when they bite on their prey, they will immediately coil their body all over their meal. They will squeeze the prey until they have been thoroughly subdued. Once they have been restrained, the corn snake will swallow them whole. There are also instances when they will consume live prey. They will feed on their prey every couple of days. The young ones will feed on frogs and lizards, and the adult snake will look for bats, birds, rats, and mice.
What is the Reproductive Habit of Corn Snakes?
The mating season will happen from March to May. They are oviparous, which means that they will lay their eggs and incubate them before they hatch. The female snake will lay around 10-30 eggs on the decaying vegetations or rotten stump. They want to ensure that it will provide the egg with enough heat for the incubation process. The adult snakes will not care for the eggs; therefore, the location of the nest should receive natural heat. It will take 60-65 days and a temperature range of 82-degrees for the eggs to hatch. Around July to September, there will be hatchlings measuring 10-15 inches in length. It will take them 18-36 months to become fully matured.
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