Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius)
Coral Snakes have red and black bands which are separated by thinner yellow bands. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 2-3 feet long, but they can grow as long as 4 feet.
Cottonmouth or Water Moccasin (Agkistrodon piscivorous)
Juvenile Cottonmouths splotched bands which fade as they get older and the tips of their tales are a mustard yellow color.
Adult Cottonmouths can be reddish-brown to dark gray or black with bands from their eyes to mouth. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 2.5-3 feet
long, but they can grow as long as 6 feet with a thick body.
Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus)
Eastern Diamondbacks are tan, gray, or brown with a diamond pattern down its back and a large rattle on the tip of the tail. Scales are keeled. This snake
is usually 3–5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 7 feet.
Pygmy Rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius)
Pygmy Rattlesnakes are gray with dark blotches and a reddish line down their back. Tales do have rattles but they are known to break off easily. Scales are
keeled. This snake is usually 1-1.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 2.5 feet with a thick body.
Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus)
Timber Rattlesnakes are a pinkish tan, yellow gray, or brown color and are marked by a rusty red stripe and V shaped crossbands. Tail is black with a large
rattle. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 3.5-4.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 6 feet with a thick body.
Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix)
Copperheads are a grayish-beige or pink color and are marked by hourglass crossbands. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 2.5-3 long, but they can grow
as long as 4.5 feet with a thick body.
Black Racer or Black Snake (Coluber constrictor)
Juvenile Black racers have a blotched pattern that fades to a black or gray color with age.
Adult Black racers are solid black with a white throat/chin area. It is solid black; chin and throat are white. Smooth scaled. Round pupils. This snake is usually
2-4.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 6 feet with a thin body.
Black Swamp Snake (Seminatrix pygaea)
Black Swamp Snakes are a shiny black color with black bars or triangle markings. Belly is a bright reddish orange color. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 10-15
inches long, but they can grow as long as 18 inches.
Brahminy Blind Snake (Ramphotyphlops braminus)
Brahminy Blind Snakes are a shiny brown color. Eyes are extremely small. Smooth scaled. Tail is pointed. This snake is usually 4-6 inches long, but they can grow as long as 7 inches.
Brown Water Snake (Nerodia taxispilota)
Brown Water Snakes are brown and marked by dark square blotches in a checkerboard pattern and dark spots on their belly. Scales are keeled. Round pupils. This snake
is usually 3.5-4.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 5.5 feet with a thin body.
Common Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)
Common Garter Snakes are olive, yellow, black and gray and are marked by three yellow stripes. Between the stripes are dark rows of blotches similar to a checkerboard
pattern. Scales are keeled. Round pupils. This snake is usually 1.5-2 feet long, but they can grow as long as 4 feet with a thin body
Common King Snake (Lampropeltis getula)
Common King Snakes are brown or tan with yellow or cream crossbands. May have a speckled coloring. Bands may fade with age. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 3-4 feet
long, but they can grow as long as 6.5 feet.
Coachwhip (Coluber flagellum)
Coachwhip are a dark olive, brown, or black which fades towards the tail. Juveniles may have crossbands. Some may be a solid black or tan color. Smooth scaled. Long, thin
tail with a braided appearance. This snake is usually 4-6 feet long, but they can grow as long as 8.5 feet.
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake (Heterodon platirhinos)
Eastern Hog Noses are yellow, gray, olive, brown, or black with dark brown-black blotches. Scales are keeled. Round pupils. This snake is usually 1.5-2.5 feet long, but they can grow
as long as 3.5 feet.
Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi)
The Eastern Indigo Snake is federally protected as a threatened species. Eastern Indigo Snakes are a glossy iridescent blueish black. Juveniles are marked with thin white bands. Belly
is gray. Throat and chin may be a reddish color. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 5-6 feet long, but they can grow as long as 8.5 feet with a large heavy body.
Eastern Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis sauritus)
Eastern Ribbon Snakes are dark olive-brown or black with three yellow stripes. Belly, throat, and chin may be a light yellow color. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 1.5-2 feet
long, but they can grow as long as 3 feet with a slender body.
Eastern, Yellow, or Everglades Rat Snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis)
Juvenile Eastern Rat Snakes have blotches that fade into stripes as they age and they are usually dark in color.
Adult Eastern Rat Snakes are yellow or gray and are marked with blotches. They may have faded stripes. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 3.5-5 feet long, but they can grow
as long as 7.5 feet.
Florida Brown Snake (Storeria victa)
Florida Brown Snakes are reddish or gray-brown and are marked by a stripe down their back. Neck is marked by two bands. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 7-10 inches long,
but they can grow as long as 13 inches.
Florida Crowned Snake (Tantilla relicta)
Florida Crowned Snakes are reddish brown with a dark colored head and a pale collar. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 7-8 inches long, but they can grow as long as 9 inches with
a slender body.
Florida Green Water Snake (Nerodia floridana)
Florida Green Water Snakes are dark olive or brown but can also be a reddish color. Juveniles may be light colored with dark speckles. Belly is pale and unmarked. Smooth scaled.
Round pupils. This snake is usually 2.5-4.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 6 feet with a thin body.
Gray Rat Snake (Pantherophis spiloides)
Gray Rat Snakes are a gray or light brown color and are marked with dark blotches. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 3-6 feet long, but they can grow as long as 7 feet.
Glossy Crayfish Snake (Regina rigida)
Glossy Crayfish Snakes are a glossy brown or olive. Some have stripes. Belly is tan or yellow and marked by two rows of half-moon patterns. Scales are keeled. Round pupils. This snake is
usually 1-2 feet long, but they can grow as long as 2.5 feet with a thin body.
Mole King Snake (Lampropeltis calligaster)
Mole King Snakes are gray, tan, cream or red and are marked with dark blotches. Smooth scaled. Round pupils. This snake is usually 2.5-3.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 4 feet.
Northern or Midland Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon)
Northern Water Snakes are tan or brown and are marked by dark blotches and checkerboard patterns.. Belly is marked by two rows of half-moon shapes. Scales are keeled. Round pupils. This
snake is usually 2-4 feet long, but they can grow as long as 5 feet with a thin body.
Pine Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus)
Pine Snakes are black, white, tan, or gray and are marked by dark blotches. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 3-5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 7.5 feet.
Pine Woods Litter Snake or Yellow-lipped Snake (Rhadinea flavilata)
Pine Woods Snakes are reddish or yellowish brown.. Belly is a cream or yellow color. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 10-12 inches long, but they can grow as long as 16 inches.
Queensnake (Regina septemvittata)
Queensnakes are a brownish gray color and are sometimes marked with dark stripes. Sides are marked with a tan or yellow stripe. Belly is pale with two rows of dark spots. Scales are
keeled. This snake is usually 1-2 feet long, but they can grow as long as 3 feet.
Rainbow Snake (Farancia erytrogramma)
Rainbow Snakes are an iridescent bluish black color with three reddish pink stripes. The sides of this snake are yellow with red dots and their belly is red with three black lines.
Smooth scaled. Tail is pointed and hard. This snake is usually 3-4.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 5.5 feet.
Red-bellied Mud Snake (Farancia abacura)
Red-bellied Mud Snakes are a glossy bluish black. Belly has a pink or red checkerboard pattern. Red colored iris. Smooth scaled. Tail is pointed and hard. This snake is usually 3-4 feet
long, but they can grow as long as 6.5 feet.
Red-bellied Snake (Storeria occipitomaculata)
Red-bellied Snakes are reddish to grayish brown or black and are marked by speckles. Belly is red, tan, orange, or yellow. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 8-10 inches long, but
they can grow as long as 16 inches.
Red Corn Snake or Red Rat Snake (Pantherophis guttatus)
Red Corn Snakes are usually orange, tan, or brownish gray marked with red and orange blotches and a black and white checkerboard pattern. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 1.5-3.5
feet long, but they can grow as long as 6 feet.
Rim Rock Crowned Snake (Tantilla oolitica)
Rim Rock Crowned Snakes are a pink tan color. Head and neck are dark in color. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 6-9 inches long, but they can grow as long as 11 inches with
a slender body.
Ring-necked Snake (Diadophis punctatus)
Ring-necked Snakes are black or gray with a yellow or orange ring around their neck. Belly may be red, yellow, or orange with a row of dark half-moons down the middle.
Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 6-7 inches long, but they can grow as long as 10 inches.
Rough Earth Snake (Virginia striatula)
Rough Earth Snakes are brown or gray. Head is pointed. Belly is cream or yellow in color. Juveniles may have a light colored collar. Scales are keeled. This snake can grow
to 12 inches long.
Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus)
Rough Green Snakes are bright green. Belly, mouth, and chin are yellow or white. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 2-2.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as
3.5 feet with a slender body.
Salt Marsh Water Snake (Nerodia clarkii)
The Salt Marsh Water Snake is federally protected as a threatened species. Salt Marsh Water Snakes are tan or gray in color with four dark brown stripes. Some may have
blotches or no stripes. Scales are keeled. This snake is usually 1-2 feet long, but they can grow as long as 3 feet.
Scarlet Snake (Cemophora coccinea)
Scarlet Snakes are marked with red, black, and yellow bands. Red and yellow bands never touch. Cream or white belly. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 1-1.5 feet long,
but they can grow as long as 2.5 feet.
Scarlet King Snake (Lampropeltis elapsoides)
Scarlet King Snakes are marked with red and yellow bands which are separated by black bands. The red and yellow bands never touch. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 1-1.5
feet long, but they can grow as long as 2 feet.
Short-tailed Snake (Lampropeltis extenuata)
Short Tailed Snakes are gray or silver and are marked with dark blotches. Blotches are sometimes separated by orange, yellow, or red. Smooth scaled. Round pupils. This snake is
usually 1-1.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 2 feet with a slender body.
Smooth Earth Snake (Virginia valeriae)
Smooth Earth Snakes are brown, gray, or red and may have speckles or a pale collar. Head is pointed. Belly is tan, gray, or brown. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 7-13 inches
long, but they can grow as long as 15 inches.
Southern or Banded Water Snake (Nerodia fasciata)
Southern Water Snakes are red, yellow, tan, brown, or gray and are marked by dark crossbands, but can also be a solid colored snake. Their belly is marked with dark blotches.
Scales are keeled. Round pupils. This snake is usually 2-3.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 5 feet.
Southern Hog-nosed Snake (Heterodon simus)
Southern Hog Noses are tan, brown, or gray and are marked by dark blotches that are sometimes separated by orange or red blotches. Scales are keeled. Round pupils. This snake is
usually 1-1.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as 2 feet.
Striped Crayfish Snake (Regina alleni)
Striped Crayfish Snakes are shiny and dark dark brown with three black stripes. Belly is yellow. Smooth scaled. This snake is usually 1-1.5 feet long, but they can grow as long as
2 feet.